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RD-6™ pipeline corrosion coating is a system that allows cathodic protection currents
to reach any disbonded area which occurs on the pipeline.
Polyguard Pipeline Products Featuring RD-6
RD-6™ is a non-shielding coating. This means that if the coating ever becomes disbonded,
the pipeline is still protected because cathodic protection currents can reach the
disbonded area. Once there, the current will raise the pH of the water underneath
the disbonded area to 9 or higher – a level too high to support corrosion. Additionally,
the geotextile fabric backing of RD-6™ does not shield cathodic protection currents.
The first installations of RD-6™ were in 1988. By 1992, the product was being widely
used in North America. Today there are thousands of installations.
Polyguard RD-6 Coating
Coating System for Line Pipe. Consists of a fabric strengthened protective pipeline
Polyguard RD-6 170 Coating
High Temp Coating System for Line Pipe. Consists of a fabric strengthened pipeline
Polyguard 600 Coating
600/634P and 610/CP50 Coatings. Cold applied pipeline Coating...